Monday, January 26, 2009

Sketching Tutorials

Michael Ditullo a designer at Nike and common contributer to Core 77. He has taken it upon himself to leave us some tips and tricks on his presonal web site on how to make sweet drawings. (it is rumored that he can sketch an '82 Fire Bird from memory)

Check out his site it is defiantly worth a hit
Michael Ditullo's site

Introducing Nate McConnell

Hey all this is my buddy Nate, I just invited him to help me blog a bit and give some different perspectives here, since I tend to be a bit negative about designs.

Some quick facts about Nate
-Loves shoe design
- sings, plays bass, and writes music constantly
- Sophomore at SIU in ID
-has a graphic associate and does graphic work in C-dale
- I broke my hand on his head once boxing

Look for his posts, I hope he gets time to post often (darn design school taking so much time)
Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was good, I spent Sunday bouncing around some furniture stores snapping pics of the good, bad and ugly. Look for the highlights to be coming here soon. I also am going to be inviting a buddy of mine on here to blog a bit as well so look for an intro on him coming as well.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Color Index

Nice book I just picked up, and very good addition to my growing library.
This book covers tons and tons (over 1100 different) color combinations along with their CMYK and RGB codes. I think this will be a great addition to any designer's collection, especially those who some times mess up color (like myself).

See, hear, and speak nothing

A little art project I found right before I left SIU, I realy wish I knew who was behind this work, but oh well. It is just a nice way to remind shop workers to be safe with out bashing them over the head with scary images and harsh words. I just wish I could have snagged this from the sculpture room and stash it in the ID shop to remind everyone there to be safe.

Glowing foot prints

Hey look my foot print glows! Unfortunately my feet are not that cool, I just had way too much dust on my feet. I do love the haze the dust left, it distorted my tread just enough to make it more interesting. Now I can't stop thinking about how I might able to turn this inspiration in to a product. Possibly a book shelf? I could defiantly use one. Well I'm off to sketch, peace.

The worst utility knife ever

I just can't get over how horrible this utility knife is, not only is it horribly constructed, it is disposable. It seems that in an effort to save money the company constructing this knife decided to reduce the overhang where the halves mated so when ever you cut the pieces slide apart and pinch your hand (and feels like it is going to slice your hand with the blade inside).
They didn't even think of the placement of the screw to hold the contraption together. By placing the screw on the side (and forming a fake one in the middle) they allowed most of the movement that makes me afraid to use it. OK, I'm done complaining about this, on to the next post!